

//to do * 好几百

Problem Categories

  • Array and String
  • Data Structure
    • Stack and queue
    • unionfind
    • Trie tree
  • Linked List
  • Recursion
  • Dynamic programing
  • Tree and graph
  • sort and search
  • bit operation
  • OO design
  • Testing
  • Network


  • Python
  • 网络
  • Big O
  • 计算机组成
  • 操作系统
  • 数据库
  • iOS
  • Objective-C
  • Java


  • ZigZag Conversion
  • Unique Character
  • Text Justification
  • !!Substring with Concatenation of All Words
  • Submatrix Sum Zero
  • Implement strStr()
  • String Compression
  • String Composition
  • String Comparison
  • Spiral Matrix
  • Spiral Matrix II
  • Simplify File Path
  • Shortest Palindrome
  • Set Matrix Zero
  • 01 相等的串
  • Rotate String
  • Rotate Image
  • Rotate Array
  • Roman to Integer
  • Reverse Sentence
  • Reverse Integer
  • Repeated DNA Sequences
  • Reorder String by Case
  • Reorder Rotated Array
  • Remove Element
  • Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
  • Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II
  • Peaks and Valleys
  • Pascal’s Triangle
  • Pascal’s Triangle II
  • One Away
  • 奇偶调序
  • 二进制矩阵中 1 的个数
  • Multiply Strings
  • Move Zeroes
  • Modify String
  • Min Triangle Path Sum
  • Min Difference 2 Array
  • Merge Two Sorted Array
  • Sorted Two Sorted Array II
  • Merge Range
  • Median of Unsorted Array
  • 最大间隔问题
  • Matrix ZigZag Traversal
  • Majority Element
  • Majority Element III
  • Majority Element II
  • Longest Word in Dictionary
  • Longest Consecutive Sequence
  • Longest Common Prefix
  • Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
  • Length of Last Word
  • Largest Number
  • K Sum II
  • Isomorphic Strings
  • Interleaving Array
  • Integer to Roman
  • Integer to English Words
  • Insert Range
  • Heapify
  • H-Index
  • H-Index II
  • Gray Code
  • Game of Life
  • Find Anagram
  • Excel Sheet Column Title
  • Excel Sheet Column Number
  • Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation
  • Determine String Permutation
  • Count and Say
  • Compare Version Numbers
  • Check Valid Sudoku
  • Check Valid Number
  • Check Permutation
  • Palindrome Permutation
  • Check Palindrome
  • Palindrome Number
  • Check Duplicate
  • Find Duplicates
  • Check Duplicate III
  • Check Duplicate II
  • Candy
  • Binary to String
  • Add One
  • Add Binary
  • 4 Sum
  • 3 Sum
  • 3 Sum Closest
  • 2 Sum ## 堆栈和队列
  • Implement Stack using Queues
  • Implement Stack using Queues
  • Stack of Plates
  • Sort Stack
  • Queue of Stack
  • Min Stack
  • Max Stack
  • Longest Valid Parentheses
  • In Order Travesal with Stack
  • Hanoi Tower with Stack
  • Basic Calculator
  • Basic Calculator II ## 链表
  • Swap Adjacent Node
  • Start of Circle
  • Sort List
  • Rotate List
  • Reversely List Traverse
  • Reverse Nodes in k-Group
  • Reverse List
  • Reverse List Range
  • Reorder List
  • Remove Linked List Elements
  • Remove Duplicates from Unsorted List
  • Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
  • Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II
  • Partition Linked List
  • Partitiom List Sorted
  • Middle of List
  • Merge Two Lists
  • Merge K Linked List
  • Kth to Last
  • Insertion Sort List
  • Copy List with Random Pointer
  • Palindrome Linked List
  • Check Intersection
  • Check Cycle
  • Add Two Numbers ## 递归和动态规划
  • Word Break
  • Word Break II
  • Wildcard Matching
  • Unique Path
  • Unique Path II
  • Ugly Number
  • Ugly Number II
  • Trap Water
  • Towers of Hanoi
  • Surrounded Regions
  • Continuous Subarray Sum
  • Subarray Sum to K
  • Stack of Box
  • Restore IP Addresses
  • Regular Expression Matching
  • Recursive Multiply
  • Product of Array Except Self
  • Pow(x, n)
  • Palindrome Partitioning II
  • Palindrom Partition
  • Paint Fill
  • Package Problem
  • Package Problem II
  • Number of Islande
  • Nth Prime
  • N Queen
  • N-Queens II
  • Minimum Subarray for Sum
  • Minimum Window Substring
  • Min Sum Subarray
  • Min Adjustment Cost
  • Maximum Subarray
  • Max Sum Subarray Index
  • Max Sum 2 Subarray
  • Max Square
  • Maximal Rectangle
  • Max Product Subarray
  • Max Difference 2 Subarray
  • Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
  • Longest Substring with K Unique Characters
  • Longest Palindromic Substring
  • Longest Increasing Sequence
  • Longest Increasing Consecutive Sequence
  • Longest Common Substring
  • Longest Common Subsequence
  • Largest Rectangle in Histogram
  • Kth Permuation
  • Jump Game
  • Jump Game II
  • Interleaving String
  • House Robbery
  • House Robbery II
  • Generate Parentheses
  • Gas Station
  • Fibonacci
  • Expression Add Operators
  • Edit Distance
  • Dungeon Game
  • Different Ways to Add Parentheses
  • Different Subsequence
  • Decode Ways
  • Container with Most Water
  • Combinations
  • Combination Sum
  • Combination Sum III
  • Combination Sum II
  • Coin
  • Coin Game
  • Coin Game II
  • Climb Stairs
  • Climb Stairs - Triple Step
  • Boggle Game - Word Search
  • Boggle Game: Word Search II
  • Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
  • Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV
  • Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
  • Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
  • All Subsets
  • All Permutation
  • All Permutations II ## 排序和搜索
  • URL Duplicates
  • Stream Integer
  • Sqrt(x)
  • Sparse Search
  • Sorted Search, No Size
  • Sort Colors
  • Sort Colors II
  • Sort Big File
  • Sort Age
  • Social Network
  • Search Rotated Array
  • Search Range
  • Search Insert Position
  • Search 2D matrix
  • Recursive Integer Traversal
  • Nuts & Bolts Problem
  • Missing Number
  • Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
  • Median of Two Sorted Array
  • Maximum Gap
  • Kth Smallest Number
  • Kth Largest in Sorted Matrix
  • Kth Largest Element
  • Inverted Index
  • Index Equals to Value
  • Hit Counter
  • Group Anagrams
  • Group Anagrams List
  • First Missing Positive Number
  • First Error Version
  • Find Peak Element
  • 名人问题
  • Count Plane
  • Binary Search ## 树和图
  • Zigzag Level Order Traversal
  • Word Ladder
  • Word Ladder II
  • Valid Binary Search Tree
  • Unique Binary Search Trees
  • Unique Binary Search Trees II
  • Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
  • Topological Sort
  • Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree
  • Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
  • Serialize and Deserialize
  • Search Range
  • Scramble String
  • Route Between Nodes
  • Root Path Sum
  • Binary Tree Right Side View
  • Reverse Binary Tree
  • Recover Binary Search Tree
    • Preorder Traversal
  • Postorder Traversal
  • Node Path Sum
  • Paths with Sum II
  • Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node
  • Next Node without Parent
  • Next Node
  • Next Node in BST
  • Neighbor Node
  • Minimum Path Sum
  • Min Height of Binary Tree
  • Maximum Path Sum
  • Height of Binary Tree
  • Level Order Traversal
  • Level Order Traversal II
  • Leaf Path Sum
  • Kth Smallest Element in a BST
  • Is Subtree
  • Insert node to BST
  • Inorder Traversal
  • Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List
  • First Common Ancestor
  • First Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
  • Different BST
  • Different BST II
  • Delete Node in a Linked List
  • Delete Middle Node
  • Cut Wood
  • Course Schedule
  • Course Schedule II
  • Connected Nodes in Undirected Graph
  • Complete Tree Node Count
  • Clone Graph
  • Symmetric Tree
  • Same Tree
  • Build Order
  • BST Sequences
  • Binary Tree to Linked List
  • Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
  • Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal
  • Binary Tree Depth
  • Binary Search Tree Iterator
  • Balance Tree
  • All Path ## 位操作
  • Swap Bits
  • Square of Two
  • Single Element
  • Single Element III
  • Single Element II
  • Set Bits
  • Reverse Bits
  • Number of One
  • Next Number
  • Flip Bits
  • Draw Line
  • Divide Two Integers
  • Check Power of Two
  • Bitwise AND of Numbers Range
  • A Plus B ## 数学逻辑
  • Remove Digit
  • Quick Pow
  • Previous Permuation
  • Poison
  • Permutation Sequence
  • Perfect Squares
  • Number of Digit
  • Number of Digit One
  • Next Permutation
  • Max Points on a Line
  • Jugs of Water
  • Index of Permuation
  • Index of Permutation II
  • The Heavy Pill
  • Hash Function
  • Happy Number
  • Fraction to Recurring Decimal
  • Factorial Trailing Zeroes
  • The Egg Drop Problem
  • Divide Number
  • 均分 01
  • Count Primes
  • Cosine Similarity
  • Basketball
  • The Apocalypse
  • Ants on a Triangle
  • Add Digits
  • 100 Lockers ## 面向对象设计
  • Web Crawler
  • Tiny URL
  • Stock Data
  • Social Network
  • Singleton
  • Sales Rank
  • Rank from Stream
  • Personal Financial Manager
  • Peeking Iterator
  • Pastebin
  • Parking Lot
  • Othello
  • Online Book Reader
  • Music Player
  • Minesweeper
  • LRU Cache
  • Jukebox
  • Jigsaw
  • Hash Table
  • File System Elevator
  • Deck of Cards
  • Chat Server
  • Call Center
  • Animal Shelter
  • Add and Search Word - Data structure design ## 测试
  • Web Browser
  • Pen
  • Login System
  • Binary Search ## 网络
  • TCP or UDP
  • Reliable UDP
  • After URL ## 公司介绍及面经
  • Zillow
  • Zazzle
  • Yelp
  • Yahoo
  • Xcalar
  • White Pages
  • 微信
  • Visual Concepts
  • Uber
  • Twitter
  • Raventech 渡鸦科技
  • PocketGem
  • Oracle
  • Microsoft
  • Liveramp 面经
  • Linkedin
  • 汇丰银行
  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Expensify
  • Exablox
  • Epic
  • Dropbox
  • 大疆
  • cPacket
  • Caliper Corporation
  • BrightEdge
  • Bloomberg
  • Amazon
  • Amazon OA